
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком "Israel"

How in Israel earn on cannabis flowers

The global market for medical marijuana is growing steadily, and Israel has already become a leader in scientific research.  Marijuana Flower On April 20, an employee of the Tel Aviv office of the international Internet company, Yoni B., went straight from work in the morning, but to the Knesset building, so that he and a few mates could smoke a cigarette there. Recently, marijuana Yoni smokes regularly: the doctor prescribed - for insomnia. He usually does it, however, less demonstratively. But on the International Day of Marijuana , Yoni is involved in a protest. Gathered people believe that Israel should allow cannabis not only for medical purposes. Medical marijuana in the country has been legalized since the early 1990s — then the first experiments in separate hospitals began. Officially, they began to use it in 1996, which makes the local cannabis medical program one of the oldest in the world.  But the first step was taken back in the 1960s by the Israeli ch